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We have previously visited your property to replace a meter, but we were unable to safely access it to complete the work.

Please indicate below whether or not you have cleared the obstruction to your meter, or if you need to book a time to provide us with access to your meter due to a locked gate or dog on your property.

For more information about meter obstructions and what you can do to keep your meter clear and accessible, visit our Access to your meter page.

What you’ll need to complete this form

  • A photo of the cleared meter or meter obstruction (if applicable) 
  • Your account number and property address

Contact us

Meter replacement queries

All fields are required unless marked as optional

Meter obstruction status

Confirm one of the options below.

Add a photo

Files should be in PDF, JPEG or PNG and should not exceed 5MB.

Add a photo

Files should be in PDF, JPEG or PNG and should not exceed 5MB.

Book a time for a meter renewal

Please refer to the initial letter you received from us outlining the dates we will be in your area. Based on these dates, please select your preferred day and time using the calendar below.

Property details

Relation to account

I am a

Your details