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Liveability involves various factors that make a place desirable for people to live, businesses to invest and communities to thrive. These factors might include access and connectivity to green and blue spaces, which support both mental and physical well-being. To make a liveable place, we must consider the needs of future generations and respond to long-term change. 

In collaboration with Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER), we have established the Drainage for Liveability Program. This program aims to convert stormwater drains and basins into living streams, which is made possible by working with interested community groups, local authorities and stakeholders.  

Recently, we have introduced our Assets for Liveability Program to recognise the opportunities presented by our broader assets supporting liveability across the state.  

This program is based on the Water Sensitive Cities concept and compliments the State Government’s  Waterwise Perth Action Plan by integrating water and land use planning. It aims to show how water can make our communities more sustainable, productive, resilient and liveable. The Water Sensitive Cities approach recognises the importance of water in enhancing the liveability and sustainability of cities, highlighting the multiple benefits that water infrastructure can provide.

Wharf Street liveability project

A Western Australia first, the Wharf Street smart park is an innovative example of transforming a stormwater basin into a multi-purpose space that benefits both the environment and community. After being fenced off for 60 years, it now serves as a vital liveability feature in the heart of Canning. 

As part of the Smart Cities Council project, this collaborative effort involved us, the City of Canning, DWER and other partners. Together, we used landscape design and technology to create a recreational area with a new approach to stormwater management. The four-hectare site now offers a relaxing space for people, a habitat for wildlife and an educational area to learn about water.

Wharf Street before photo - less greenery

Wharf Street after photo - more greenery

Wharf Street basin before and after photos from June 2019 to October 2023

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